Thursday, January 5, 2012

Must Have Ripped Jeans

Do you like wearing jeans? especially the skinny jeans?

For me, I heart it! because I think wearing skinny jeans makes you look more slim and slender ( NOT THAT SUPER TIGHT THOUGH! or you will turn out to be something different)

Here's my ripped jeans look like

I don't wear the same old blue jeans that much because I think it's boring that's why I prefer to wear black skinny jeans or the ripped one because it makes you look totally different. I mean if you wear the ripped jeans with the guy's top, you will look cool and like smart. But if you mix and match with long top/tank, I think it's pretty chic and sexy :)

Also, guy's too!!!

Took from my brother 's wardrobe lol
And you know what? You can do your own ripped jeans too :) Go searh "DIY ripped jeans" on youtube :)

Find out my every day look at:

Happy new year 
