A few weeks ago, I went to Kate Spade holiday collection launched event, and it filled with happiness with all these little monsters. The latest 'Make Magic Happen' campaign has been my new obsession so far. As you can see, this photo on my Instagram (@thequinoxfashion) was somehow received lots of LOVE, which I hadn't expected it would draw the attention this much ð Wish I could take this massive rabbit chair back home!
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This purse was probably one of those items I adored. Look at its color! Isn't it so fabulous with the hologram touch? However, if you have followed The Equinox Fashion long enough, you may notice that Kate Spade was one of the first American brands I reviewed the collection on my blog. In fact, I still remember that nervous feelings when I contacted the PR of the company! 'Let's play with the color splash by Kate Spade' was the very first post of the brand, followed by 'Event: Kate Spade New York' when Kate Spade Thailand hosted the event in order to donate the money to the dog charity in Thailand. All of the events I have been to were very colorful, obviously it's the brand's signature.
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Sunglasses- Carin Glasses Shoes- H&M Tank top- Rock On Ruby Bag- Kate Spade Culottes- Uniqlo |
Look at this cute clutch bag! It matched so perfectly with my #OOTD In fact, it actually spiced up my look in a fun way...You know I always wear everything monochrome. Therefore, these lovely eyes, long eyelashes and furry touch at the top were somehow getting my attention. There was nothing special about this look, because I went straight from work. Blazer, tank top, cullotes and shoes were my jam.
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That event looks like so much fun. Kate Spade has so many great items I am sure you didnt know what direction to turn in. lol.
Oh I love the 'fun' purse!! I have a Zoe Karssen tee that says Fun Fun. I am not very familiar with Kate Spade, maybe we don't have so much of it in Australia.
ReplyDeletexx Jenelle
I LOVE that fun balloon purse! In fact, I love all of Kate Spade's kitschy pieces, they do kitsch so well!
ReplyDeletexoxo, Cinddie
So cool bags dear <33
Like me on FACEBOOK
So fun and fabulous! You look chic as always!
the 'fun' clutch is so cute!!!
Looks like such a fun event!
All the items are so colorful and beautiful, plus you look good.
I love how fun and playful Kate Spade is - especially that holographic clutch and the one that said "fun." Kudos to you for reaching out to them a while back and building that relationship.
ReplyDeleteViolet Roots || Instagram
Ummmmmmm HOW dreamy does this event look?! I adore Kate Spade, she just nails it every damn time! Also loving your outfit girl, killing it!
ReplyDeleteHayley xo
Thank you :D You must try :D Have an amazing results :D
ReplyDeleteYou're a lucky girl. I'm addicted to this kind of events. You look amazing as usual. Your culottes are perfect :D
NEW OUTFIT POST | Thinking Out Loud.
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Oh, Kate Spade is love!
ReplyDeleteOmg what a cool event. Loving the decor!
Kate Spade really lives up to its fun and quirky image. Their collection season after season never fails to catch my attention. I love how the brand adds some fun and spice to an otherwise blank outfit.
ReplyDeleteYou looked great in that outfit and even better with the furry bag! :)
❄The Pink Lemonade Girl
Wow! Great post!!
ReplyDeleteI love all bags :)
·Alas de Angel·
That bag with 'FUN' on would be such an awesome touch to any outfit! I love how that bag makes your ootd look even more funky!
ReplyDeleteIsobel x
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Wow, obviously it was an amazing event but the best for me is your extremely cool look with the culottes!
ReplyDeletexx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena
what a fun event!
This event looks like so much FUN! I need one of those rabbit chairs too haha
ReplyDeletex Emily
You look great, I love that little clutch you found to match your outfit! It looks like such a fun event and that rabbit chair is amazing!! :) xx
ReplyDeleteyou look super cute !
Great photos! Looks like you had a lot of fun! =)
ReplyDelete- Cielo
Mermaid in Heels
Such a great event! Love Kate Spade.
ReplyDeleteAnn-Marie | http://facetocurls.com
omg those are so amazing! you look stunning! ♥
ReplyDeleteThe White Print Blog
CGrabowska's Instagram
Wow how cool is that <3
When I think Kate Spade I think fun, colorful and quirky. This looks like so much fun Gail. And yes your purse looks so cute. I am a fan of this brand too. Beautiful pictures. I need that bunny chair in my life.
Gaaaail I'm not at all surprised that photo on Instagram went down so well - SUCH an amazing giant rabbit chair and you have such a gorgeous smile! I'm totally in love with the Kate Spade 'FUN purse; so cool!
Kate Spade is such an amazing brand! Loved the first picture, so cute :D
looking fabulous and very stylish....way of your dressing mode is much attractive....
ReplyDeleteAmazing event ! I love the pictures !
ReplyDeleteI love this collection and this first photo is very cute :)